I resolved that problem.

I done somethig like so to update each column:

def update_multiple
     @postis = Posti.find(params[:posti_ids])

     @postis.each do |posti|
      posti.update_column(:stato, params[:posti])
     redirect_to prenotazione_path(params[:spectacle_id])

<%= form_for :posti, :url => update_multiple_path, :html => { :method => 
:put } do |f| %>
<%= hidden_field_tag "spectacle_id", params[:spectacle_id] %>
  <strong>Posti scelti:</strong>
  <% for posti in @postis %>
     <%=h posti.numero %>

    <%= hidden_field_tag "posti_ids[]", posti.id %>
  <% end %>


    <%= f.hidden_field :stato, :value => "checked" %>
  <p><%= f.submit "PRENOTA" %></p>
<% end %>

It works very well and i am so very happy. Thank you Colin for helps. I 
will very well a tutorial when i will finish all my esams at university. 
Ruby on Rails is the best :)

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