Any help on this will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Ankur Kumar <>wrote:

>  I did the following to implement cron jobs in rails 3 using a "runner"
> instead of a rake task.
> *Step 1:* I have whenever gem installed and scheduler.rb has following:
>   set :environment, 'development'
>   set :output, {
>  :error    => "/log/error.log",
>  :standard => "/log/cron.log"
>   }
>   every 1.minute do
>   runner "Cron.sendAutomaticsSMS()"
>   end
> *Step 2:*
> Cron file: lib/cron.rb
>     class Cron < ActiveRecord::Base
>       def **sendAutomaticsSMS**()
>          ----some code here ---
>       end
>     end
> *Step 3:*
>     whenever --update-crontab --set environment=development
>  This updates crontab file.
> *Step 4:*
> Checked contents of crontab file using:
>     crontab -e
>  It opens cron tab file which has details of cron job method to be invoked:
> ------------------------------
>     # Begin Whenever generated tasks for: store
>     # End Whenever generated tasks for: store
>     # Begin Whenever generated tasks for: 
> /code/rails_projects/new/bhk/bigbhk-     dev/config/schedule.rb
>     * * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd <*RAILS_APP_PROJECT_LOCATION*> && 
> script/rails runner -e development '\''**Cron.sendAutomaticsSMS()**'\'' >$
>     # End Whenever generated tasks for: 
> /code/rails_projects/new/bhk/bigbhk-dev/
>  *Step 5:*
> Running cron job:
>     $sudo service cron restart
>     cron stop/waiting
>     cron start/running, process 4027
>  This does not do anything. I wait for operation as defined in
> sendAutomaticsSMS() method to execute but the cron doesn't even enter this
> method.
> I don't see any error in log/development.log and there is no log/cron.log
> in my rails app.
> Posted this question on 
> Stackoverflow<>as
>  well.
>  Thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Ankur

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