> Firstly, he advocates you organize your application deeper than the  
> default Rails skeleton; for example he says to put all of your models  
> under a "physical" directory (e.g. app/models/physical) and to  
> separate them by module (e.g. Physical::Projects::Project).

I would agree that organizing deeper can be useful.  But if so, the
groups should be meaningful to your application, not arbitrary (which
from your account "physical" seems to be).

Smaller Rails applications don't do it, not because of any bias
against it, but because they don't have 188 models to organize.  10 to
30 models is not hard to manage.

And while generally it makes sense to keep everything in one
application, keep in mind that it is possible to have more than one
application and still share a table, a model or pass data between
them.  Depending on the schema and requirements, a 188 model
application might be happier as three 60 model applications that share
a User model/table.  To give a non-Rails example: Google needs to keep
track of my login, but that doesn't mean Google Maps and Gmail have to
be one application.

> He also evangelizes Postgresql instead of MySQL

I would say that's his personal preference and not gospel.  MySQL,
Oracle, SQLite and other flavors have their fans too.  Do your own
research as to which one is right for you.

> He is against migrations because of the extremely  
> limited subset of SQL they allow for (i.e. no real constraints).

Whatever your opinion about database constraints vs. application
constraints, he obviously does not realize that migrations allow you
to execute any SQL.

> The problem with using the approach from Enterprise Rails is  
> that it pretty much means I cannot use the generators, unless I were  
> to redefine them to follow the "enterprise" structure.

Generators are there to help 90% of the time.  The other 10% you'll
have to do by hand, modify what they give you or roll your own.  Once
you get the hang of it, you'll see that it will only take a minute or
two longer to do it without generators.  Don't let this be a major

> Basically - I'm wondering if I should be following the advice in the  
> book from the get-go when I design my application, or if I should  
> follow the best practices of the Rails community and not worry about  
> the "enterprise" stuff until I need to (at which point it may or may  
> not be too late).  Also remember that I am fairly new to Rails but I  
> still want to do things the "right" way.

I think a good rule of thumb in programming is not to build it until
you need it.  Otherwise you will spend a considerable amount of time
maintaining code and keeping options open for the future that you may
never use.  It is not hard to implement the "enterprise
recommendations" you mentioned (grouping controllers and models,
upgrading databases, etc.) when you find you need them.  Don't burden
yourself with them until you do.

Ideally a framework will allow you to build your application fast, not
burden you with features you may never use, but still keep your
options for feature modifications and application scalability open for
the future.  I think Rails does that well.

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