Gotcha. Is the file actually opened when the controller is entered? (That's 
an honest question I'm interested in how that works coming as an upload 
from a form) The way you've described, that I failed to understand the 
first time, to me seems like the best way but I'd be interested to see what 
others have to say.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

On Tuesday, July 15, 2014 5:47:57 AM UTC-6, User wrote:
> In this case, it is pretty certain that ever file will contain UTF-8 
> characters, and in general, I think the cases are few where we can 
> assume input to be represented by 7-bit-ASCII. 
> What I do not know for sure is whether or not the file will have a BOM, 
> but I think Ruby can figure this out automatically, when supplying the 
> "BOM" option on opening. 
> It would make sense to allow also file using different encoding, such as 
> UTF-16, but this is something I will have to deal with later. 
> The stackoverflow link you presented, doesn't really answer my problem 
> though. It just describes how I can *open* an UTF-8 file, and this is 
> the workaround I'm using meanwhile (as outlined in my posting where I 
> say: "I could create a File object by opening....". 
> What I would like to know is, whether there is a simpler way (since the 
> file, after all, is already opened when my controller is entered), and 
> in particular why set_encoding doesn't work for  my Tempfile object, 
> even though this would work well for a File object. 
> -- 
> Posted via 

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