OK, so after some digging. It seems that when you create your new File 
object and set the encoding you may not need to read the Tempfile in its 
entirety. You can create a new File object using the Tempfile. 
File.new(my_temp_file, encoding: 'utf-8') and then use this file. It should 
be using the Tempfile and just creating a new pointer to that file with a 
new encoding. If you wanted to read the lines out individually and just use 
that original Tempfile you could use force_encoding('utf-8') on each line 
to make sure it is converting them to utf-8.

On Thursday, July 17, 2014 10:46:30 AM UTC-6, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:
> Colin Law wrote in post #1152686: 
> > On 17 July 2014 15:42, Eric Saupe <eric...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> >> That shows how to create a Tempfile with a given encoding but the 
> question 
> >> is when a user uploads a file through a form and Rails creates a 
> Tempfile is 
> >> there a way to indicate that it should always create those Tempfiles 
> with a 
> >> default encoding such as UTF-8? 
> > 
> > In that case it *is* a Rails specific issue, not a Ruby question as 
> > suggested by the OP. 
> Indeed, you are right so far that it *might* be a Rails question. Still, 
> I wonder why (in general) it is not possible to change the encoding of 
> an existing (already open) Tempfile. Assuming that it is OK to "rewind" 
> the file, I don't see a technical reason, why this is not possible. 
> I don't think it would be a good idea to configure this on the Rails 
> side. Image the following scenario: We have a website, which allows 
> users to upload textfiles, the content of which will eventually go into 
> the database. Since we are generous about the encoding, we also provide 
> the user with a dropdown list to choose a suitable encoding. 
> When the user clicks the upload button, the controller gets the uploaded 
> file plus information about the encoding. Clearly, Rails can not 
> anticipate the encoding of the file. It just can upload the file 
> (binary), and provide the controller with an open file handle. 
> Now Ruby *does* have the set_encoding method for File, and Tempfile is-a 
> file, and set_encoding *can* be called - it just fails. We have nearly 
> everything in place. Now, if we can find out WHY set_encoding fails (and 
> this might be a generic Ruby question), we can find out what Rails (or 
> the programmer) can do to let things go smoothly.... 
> Ronald 
> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/. 

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