
What are the deprecated messages you are getting?

Mike Riley

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Robert Fitzpatrick <rob...@webtent.org>

> I am new to ruby and maintaining an existing web application. I need to
> change the FTP server in a task and trying to familiarize myself with rake
> tasks. The task is in lib/tasks/archives.rake under the namespace utils. I
> read over a rake tutorial and viewed rake options to try and show
> information about the task and possibly run it to test. But when I do 'rake
> -T', I get a lot of DEPRECATED messages and the list afterward does not
> have my task listed. This is how the task is defined:
> namespace:utils do
>   <snip>
>   task :process_archives => :environment do
>   <snip>
> But I have no task listed with that name? I tried 'rake -D
> utils:process_archives' as well and only got the deprecated messages
> output. I do see the task in the schedule.rb file...
> ./config/schedule.rb:  command %{#{cmd_root} && cd
> /var/www/vhosts/xxxx/current && bundle exec rake utils:process_archives
> DIR="/var/www/vhosts/xxxx/shared/tmp" RAILS_ENV=production}
> And the following file:
> ./script/process_archives.sh:rake utils:process_archives
> DIR="/var/www/virtual/xxxx/htdocs/xxxx/tmp" RAILS_ENV="production"
> The Rakefile looks like this:
> require File.expand_path('../config/application', __FILE__)
> XXXX::Application.load_tasks
> Thanks for any help!
> --
> Robert
> --
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