Jason Fleetwood-Boldt wrote:
Without seeing the task I can't tell you the answer to that. And the fact that 
it runs on a cron schedule means that you probably have something like a worker 
in the background doing that.

Normally you run

rake some_task X="abc" Y="xyz"

I see this piece of code at the start of the task assuming an argument could be used to get the verbose response....

    @verbose = false
    ARGV.each do |arg|
      puts "arg: #{arg}"
      @verbose = false # if arg == 'V'

Then the code uses '#puts something if @verbose' throughout. Like I said, I'm new to ruby, but have used Perl and PHP and other languages before, I hope is what is throwing me off is the # are not comments? This almost looks like @verbose would always be false. What is this piece of code looking for as an argument?

I apologize for trying to get a crash course in ruby here, gonna have to get up to speed soon as this app that was left to me to try and maintain/support. I am reading through the following tutorial to get up to speed as quickly as I can, any other pointers extremely helpful...


But note that you probably want to prefix the rake task in development with "bundle 
exec" to get it to run with the right gemset.

I downloaded a copy of the app and setup locally on a development server. The production app is running on nginx web server and have the copy running on Apache locally. I saw the following directive available in the nginx conf to enable development, copied to Apache and this is how I am running dev mode...

RailsEnv development

Then I can run "bundle exec rake utils:process_archives"?

As I posted earlier, there is a script/process_archives.sh file that I thought at first runs the rake task since I see results of the task in the cron log...

rake utils:process_archives DIR="/var/www/virtual/xxxx/htdocs/xxxx/tmp" RAILS_ENV="production"

But that DIR does not exist on the server, so I'm questioning if this shell script is being used at all. I found further the task in config/schedule.rb...

command %{#{cmd_root} && cd /var/www/vhosts/wmnf/current && bundle exec rake utils:process_archives DIR="/var/www/vhosts/xxxx/shared/tmp" RAILS_ENV=production}

Those dirs do exist and I also found in the crontabs...

root@app01:~/www# cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/appuser |grep process
31 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'PATH=/opt/ree/bin:$PATH && cd /var/www/vhosts/xxxx/current && bundle exec rake utils:process_archives DIR="/var/www/vhosts/xxxx/shared/tmp" RAILS_ENV=production >> /var/www/vhosts/xxxx/shared/log/cron.log 2>&1'

Is the scheduler.rb being used at all?

Another thing about running the app locally on a development server is when I enable development as shown above, it breaks links to images, css, etc. Seems there is something in the code to prefix the paths of those resources with '/app_development/' when using development environment. So, I'm running in production environment on the development server. Other than references like this in the code for development, what would be the difference between running a copy of the app under the production or development environment on the development server?

Again, thanks a ton for any help and patience, I promise to get up to speed as quickly as possible.


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