I even uninstalled sunspot_Rails, sunspot_solr and their dependencies and 
still gices me the error and would not let me run "rails server"on localhost

El miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015, 13:52:43 (UTC-3), agusddt escribió:
> Fred, thanks for your answer. 
> The thing is that I cannot run "rails server"on localhost, it terminates 
> immediately.
> El miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015, 13:20:04 (UTC-3), Frederick Cheung 
> escribió:
>> On Wednesday, July 22, 2015 at 5:17:29 PM UTC+1, agusddt wrote:
>>> I was uploading my app to a server, put it in production mode on the 
>>> server, still on development mode locally and suddenly I cannot run "rails 
>>> server" anymores since it dies automatically with this error:
>>> /Users/agusddt/developments/crm/config/initializers/sunspot_configuration.rb:52:in
>>> `block in <top (required)>': undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass 
>>> (NoMethodError)
>>> from 
>>> /Users/agusddt/developments/crm/config/initializers/sunspot_configuration.rb:45:in
>>> `each'
>>> from 
>>> /Users/agusddt/developments/crm/config/initializers/sunspot_configuration.rb:45:in
>>> `<top (required)>'
>> [snip] 
>>> Taking a look into the logs appears just a warning:
>>> DEPRECATION WARNING: Currently, Active Record suppresses errors raised 
>>> within `after_rollback`/`after_commit` callbacks and only print them to the 
>>> logs. In the next version, these errors will no longer be suppressed. 
>>> Instead, the errors will propagate normally just like in other Active 
>>> Record callbacks.
>>> I doubt this warning is relevant - the probably is almost certainly  in 
>> config/initializers/sunspot_configuration.rb:52
>> Fred

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