Thanks for your answer!

I understand that It shouldn't have changed just because I uploaded it, the
thing is I did make some minor changes (on the views) and upload them
without checking on the local host but on the remote server. Everything is
working perfectly on the server under production, the only solution I found
was to uninstall the gems and delete all associated configuration. Upon
doing that it worked fine locally but the thing is I do need to use the gem
Sunspot, so tried to install it back and it stopped running again.

I commented the line that was giving me trouble just for now to keep
working, but o don't understand what could have happened, since I'm pretty
sure I did not mess on the configuration locally when uploading.

Em quinta-feira, 23 de julho de 2015, tamouse pontiki <> escreveu:

> On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 10:45 AM, agusddt <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> I was uploading my app to a server, put it in production mode on the
>> server, still on development mode locally and suddenly I cannot run "rails
>> server" anymores since it dies automatically with this error:
>> /Users/agusddt/developments/crm/config/initializers/sunspot_configuration.rb:52:in
>> `block in <top (required)>': undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass
>> (NoMethodError)
> I'm very curious about what you're describing. You're remark above about
> uploading to your server notwithstanding, your local development
> environment shouldn't have changed at all simply because you uploaded your
> app someplace else. Did you remove or change something from your
> development environment when you uploaded? If not, there must be something
> quite else going on.
> As this worked in development before, perhaps if you were to ensure your
> local environment can roll back to a previous version that's known to work.
> Are you seeing problems in production or is everything there working well?
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