@Colin is right.  I think here that you should be asking, how can I learn 
the params returned? 

To debug, modify.  That is what I have used, others may have better 

  if @notice.save
      puts params.to_yaml
      if !params[:notice][:active_comment_relationship][:commentee_id].nil? # 

puts params.to_yaml will return the structure and values to your logging.

Otherwise, you are testing too generally for uncertain aspects: if !params[:

Test each aspect for the moment to ascertain missing values:

unless params[:notice].blank?
unless params[:notice][:active_comment_relationship].blank?
unless params[:notice][:active_comment_relationship][:commentee_id].blank?

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 4:15:18 PM UTC-4, Bazley wrote:
> notice.rb:
>   has_one  :active_comment_relationship, class_name: "Commentrelationship"
> ,
>                                          foreign_key: "commenter_id",
>                                          dependent: :destroy
>   has_one  :supernotice, through: :active_comment_relationship, source: :
> commentee
>   accepts_nested_attributes_for :active_comment_relationship
> _notice.html.erb:
>     <%= form_tag( {controller: "notices", action: "create"}, method: 
> "post", class: "comment_form", multipart: true ) do %>
>       <%= hidden_field_tag :callsign, @character.callsign %>
>       <%= hidden_field_tag 
> "notice[active_comment_relationship][commentee_id]", notice.id %>
>       .
>       .
> notices_controller.rb:
>     @notice = @character.notices.build(notice_params)
>     if @notice.save
>       if !params[:notice][:active_comment_relationship][:commentee_id].nil
>         @notice.create_comment(params[:notice][:
> active_comment_relationship][:commentee_id])
>       end
>     end
>     def notice_params
>       params.require(:notice).permit( :content, :picture, :latitude, :
> longitude, active_comment_relationship_attributes: [:commentee_id] )
>     end
> The code above gives the following error:
> undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
> Sometimes a notice is submitted with a blank/nil :commentee_id, so I would 
> have thought !params[:notice][:active_comment_relationship][:commentee_id
> ].nil?
> would have worked. How do I write this correctly? How do you correctly 
> access nested parameters?

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