fields_for is a devil to understand, with and without a parent/data form.  
You need to really study the Rails documentation a lot, create scenarios 
from your data....  Before you try fields_for you should test at 'rails 
console' for certainty that your associations are productive.   Be certain 
of your data before testing because association testing in true null/empty 
is pretty nondescript... If you are bold, go to GitHub, and search to Rails 
applications and then fields_for....

Best to you.


PS: Write to Colin Law, he is a wealth of information regarding tutorials...

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 7:15:48 PM UTC-4, Bazley wrote:
> You were right, it looks like it's active_comment_relationship is nil, I 
> think. I added the yaml line and got this:
> --- !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
> utf8: ✓
> authenticity_token: 
> nNWNdGOzKSu5gfDkB4x3AFIO1PQnIggn65uE//SGQNzK8Ub5AOtsShH3CLZd+oU7ic9WlA+F0RbsSVR6X1I78w==
> callsign: bazzer
> notice: !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
>   latitude: '51.75253980933651'
>   longitude: '-1.39801025390625'
>   content: Hello everyone
> commit: Drop
> controller: notices
> action: create
> Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 31ms (ActiveRecord: 7.1ms)
> NoMethodError (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass):
> I have updated my code to use a form builder. It's all working great 
> except for this one problem. The code is below. For some reason the 
> fields_for is not working - as the params above shows there should be an 
> active_comment_relationship parameter for notice but it isn't present. 
> What's wrong with this code?:
>     <%= form_for(:notice, url: :notices, method: :post, html: { multipart: 
> true, class: "comment_form" } ) do |f| %>
>       <%= hidden_field_tag :callsign, @character.callsign %>
>       <%= f.fields_for :active_comment_relationship do |ff| %>
>         <%= ff.label :commentee_id %>
>         <%= ff.hidden_field :commentee_id, value: %>
>       <% end %>
>       <%= f.hidden_field :latitude,  value: notice.latitude,  id: 
> "comment_notice_latitude"  %>
>       <%= f.hidden_field :longitude, value: notice.longitude, id: 
> "comment_notice_longitude" %>
>       <%= f.text_area :content, rows: 1, id: "commentField-#{}", 
> class: "comment_area" %>
>       <%= f.submit( "Post", class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs',
>                     onclick: "return validateCommentForm('#commentField-#{
>}');" ) do %>
>         <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok" aria-hidden="true"></span>
>       <% end %>
>       <%= f.file_field :picture, accept: 'image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png' 
> %>
>     <% end %>

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