OK, so I have a homepage and want the user to be able to select a link that 
goes back to it with a varable set.  Example here is the listings site 
lists all events regardless of price and I want users to be able to list 
events under £5.  So I have a link https://eventpuddle.com?price=cheap.  
This is fine but for SEO reasons I want to have the URL something like 
https://eventpuddle.com/cheapevents.  Obviesly I could create another view 
but there are all sorts of things I will ultimatly want ot do this for.  
https://eventpuddle.com/jazz, https://eventpuddle.com/pucn, 
https://eventpuddle.com/art...  i would end up with LOTS of views and have 
to do code changes for eatch (see below).

I came across something years ago (I think in PHP)  where URLs got unpacked 
into varables in the background.  So 
*was mapped in the background and created a varable *price *with a value 

This will also be usefull for listing events for a certain venue, whitch I 
have lots.  Dont want to create a view for eatch venue as there are lots 
and I dont want to have to code stuff if I add venues, I simply add a row 
in the database for the new venue.  The kind of URLs I would be looking for 
is https://eventpuddle.com/venue/old-market-assembly or 

Wondering if there is a way of doing this in rails or another way of 
handeling the same type of thing.


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