Aslo *http://localhost:3000/upcoming_events/cost* works but not 

On Sunday, October 15, 2017 at 6:50:08 PM UTC+1, Ben Edwards wrote:
> PS I also tried 
> get 'upcoming_events/cost', to: 'upcoming_events#index'
> On Sunday, October 15, 2017 at 6:49:10 PM UTC+1, Ben Edwards wrote:
>> Great, thanks, almost there.  Mine is slightly different as its not based 
>> on CRUD, its a ruby view based on a SQL view.  So 
>> get '/patients/:id', to: 'patients#show'
>> Is not quite what I need.  If I have this view as root view (
>> http://domain.tld) and want to pass cost as a variable (
>> http://domain.tld?cost=cheapevents = http://domain.tld/cheapevents). Its 
>> the site root
>> currently I have 
>> root 'upcoming_events#index'
>> *get* 'upcoming_events/index'
>> I tried
>> *get* 'upcoming_events/index:cost', to: 'upcoming_events#index'
>> And it works for root but if I try *http://domain.tld/cheapevents 
>> <http://domain.tld/cheapevents>* I get 
>> No route matches [GET] "/cheapevents"

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