> On Mar 1, 2018, at 9:18 PM, Philip Rhoades <p...@pricom.com.au> wrote:
> Hassan,
> On 2018-03-02 04:21, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 8:10 AM, Philip Rhoades <p...@pricom.com.au> wrote:
>>>        <%= b.label + b.radio_button %>
>>> which actually works in the view but unlike the Checkbox version the data is
>>> not saved in the tippers_tips table.
>> The line above looks a bit iffy to me, but the main question is: what
>> do you see in your logs? any error messages?
>> If not use logging statements (or pry) to inspect the params being
>> returned.
> Thanks for responding - I see in the log when I edit a Tipper:
> Processing by TippersController#update as HTML
>  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", 
> "authenticity_token"=>"AhTjh08BAh6NALIeQ5yc7qVvjO8S6rnBaCQlsocM6ffiVkKMo2eKaAmP/QBA2Iiu79naCW+Pd8XZsTMbnYbutQ==",
>  "tipper"=>{"fname"=>"Jocelyn", "tip_ids"=>"1"}, "commit"=>"Update Tipper", 
> "id"=>"3"}
>  Tipper Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "tippers".* FROM "tippers" WHERE "tippers"."id" 
> = ? LIMIT ?  [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]]
> Unpermitted parameter: tip_ids
> During the tables generation I did:
>  rails g migration CreateJoinTableTipTipper tip tipper
> and the only two mentions of "tip_ids" is in app/views/tippers/_form.html.erb 
> :
>  <div class="field">
>    <%= f.label "Tip" %><br />
>    <%= f.collection_radio_buttons( :tip_ids, Tip.all, :id, :teams ) do |b| %>
>      <div class="collection-radio-button">
>        <%= b.radio_button %>
>        <%= b.label %>
>      </div>
>    <% end %>
>  </div>
> and app/controllers/tippers_controller.rb :
>  params.require(:tipper).permit(:fname, tip_ids:[])
> I deleted "[]" since there should be only one tip id returned but that caused 
> and error . .
> Thanks,
> Phil.
> -- 
> Philip Rhodes

Rename the tip_ids to tip_id. A radio button only returns one value, and 
tip_ids means you are expecting an array back, as you would get from a group of 
checkboxes. Check your strong parameters (permit) clause in your controller -- 
make sure that it is set to accept a single scalar value for that form input 
(singular). Also check that the relationship in your models is not one to many, 
but one to one (has_one/belongs_to). Changing the type of input you want to use 
has ramifications for your entire application, not just the view.


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