Nate Leavitt wrote:
> First off, I'm an intermediate Rails developer who is still learning the
> inner workings of Rails.. so here is my situation/problem:
> I have written a Plugin that accesses a third party API.  Within the
> Plugin I had multiple classes that inherit from one another.  Example:
> **************************
> Old Code (Plugin Classes)
> **************************
> class ApiConn
>  attr_accessor :api_url, :api_key
>  def initialize(url, key)
>    @api_url = url
>    @api_key = key
>  end
>  def api_perform(class_type, method, *args)
>    begin
>      server = XMLRPC::Client.new3({'host' => self.api_url, 'path' =>
> "/api/xmlrpc", 'port' => 443, 'use_ssl' => true})
>      result ="#{class_type}.#{method}", self.api_key,
> *args)
>    rescue XMLRPC::FaultException => e
>      puts "*** Api Error: #{e.faultCode} - #{e.faultString} ***"
>    end
>    return result
>  end
> end
> class ContactService < ApiConn
>   def api_contact_add(data)
>     api_perform('ContactService', 'add', data)
>   end
> end
> ....
> **************************
> Then within my ApplicationController I have this:
> **************************
> Account
> def current_account
>   @current_account ||=
> Rails.cache.fetch("ch:current:account:#{current_subdomain}"){
>     Account.find_by_subdomain(current_subdomain)
>   }
> end
> def app_contact_svc
>   @app_contact_svc ||=
> current_account.api_key)
> end
> **************************
> Well, this has worked fine.  However, as I've been going through my
> controllers, I've noticed that a lot of these calls should be moved to
> the models.  For example, I have an ActiveRecord model named Contact and
> I would like to be able to call api_contact_add from within the instance
> of that model.  I know I would be able to do that by switching the
> plugin to a module.
> However, here is the problem:  The rails app uses accounts and each
> account has a different api_url and api_key.  The current_account(see
> above) is set by the subdomain being used.
> So I guess my question is how I can have module attributes set
> specifically for each account through multiple models?
> So instead of doing, key) in an initialize statement
> for each class that includes the ApiConn module, I would like these
> values set once for all models specific to the account.
> I hope this make sense :)

Perhaps something like:

module ContactService
   def self.set_account(url, key)
     Thread.current[:api_conn] =, key)

   def api_contact_add(data)
     Thread.current[:api_conn].api_perform('ContactService', 'add', data)

before_filter do
   "#{current_account.api_url}", current_account.api_key)

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