Actually, by user I mean competitor, but you get the point...
-----Original Message-----
From: Harold <>
To: Ruby on Rails: Talk <>
Subject: [Rails] Re: Two-to-one mappings
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 14:55:27 -0800 (PST)

Does a user have many round_combinations? and a round_combination has
many users? Seems like it. If so, first thought is to create another
HABTM table between round_combinations and users. Then
@user.round_combinations.each { |rc| } gives you the rooms...

On Feb 15, 11:16 am, Greg <> wrote:
> Ah, so one follow up question: each Competitor in the competition is
> signed up for two rounds, and needs to know which room he or she is
> assigned.  This is a has_one relationship; however, I'm not quite sure
> of the right way to map it.  Thoughts?
> Greg
> On Feb 15, 2:49 am, Harold A. Giménez Ch. <>
> wrote:
> > Great! Glad it worked.
> > On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Greg <> wrote:
> > > Cool!  Harold, your solution strikes me as being exactly the way to do
> > > it.  I've implemented it, and things seem to be sailing smoothly.
> > > Thanks a lot to both of you.
> > > Sincerely,
> > > Greg
> > > On Feb 14, 11:47 pm, Harold <> wrote:
> > > > That's a clean solution, however I don't know if it satisfies the fact
> > > > that "any Room might have many different combinations of Rounds"
> > > > Not sure I understand correctly, but if a room can have many
> > > > combination of rounds, and each combination of rounds has more than
> > > > one round, you could try this:
> > > > Room and Round models I assume you already have. A room can have many
> > > > round_combinations (create the RoundCombination model with a room_id.
> > > > Room :has_many :room_combinations, and
> > > > RoomCombination :belongs_to :room). Then create a join table between
> > > > round_combinations and rounds (HABTM).
> > > > You can use callbacks or validation to limit the relationship to two
> > > > rounds maximum.
> > > > On Feb 14, 11:42 pm, Maurício Linhares <>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > Imagining that every round must belong to a room, here's a simple and
> > > > > straightforward implementation:
> > > > > class Room < ActiveRecord::Base
> > > > >   # this class needs a max_rounds and rounds_count integer columns
> > > > >   has_many :rounds
> > > > >   def accepts_more_rounds?
> > > > >     max_rounds < rounds_count
> > > > >   end
> > > > > end
> > > > > class Round < ActiveRecord::Base
> > > > >   # this class needs a room_id integer column
> > > > >   belongs_to :room, :counter_cache => true
> > > > >   validate_on_create :validate_rounds_count
> > > > >   protected
> > > > >   def validate_rounds_count
> > > > >
> > > > >     unless
> > > > >       errors.add( :room, "has already met it's rounds limit" )
> > > > >     end
> > > > >   end
> > > > > end
> > > > > room = Room.create( :max_rounds => 2 )
> > > > > round_1 = room.rounds.create( :name => 'round 1' )
> > > > > round_2 = room.rounds.create( :name => 'round 2' )
> > > > > round_3 = room.rounds.create( :name => 'round 3' ) # this one isn't
> > > > > going to be created
> > > > > round_3.new_record? == true
> > > > > -
> > > > > Maurício 
> > > > > Linhares<>|
> > > <>
> > > > > On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Greg Brockman
> > > > > <> wrote:
> > > > > > Hey all,
> > > > > > I have a pretty simple question, but I'm not sure of a good solution
> > > > > > to it.  Essentially, I want to provide a two-to-one mapping of
> > > models.
> > > > > >  I'm working on an application for a contest, where every 
> > > > > > (unordered)
> > > > > > combination of two Rounds is supposed to be assigned to one Room.
> > >  Any
> > > > > > Room might have many different combinations of Rounds, however.
> > > > > > What is the Right Way of doing this in Rails?  Maybe create a model
> > > > > > that holds the associated foreign keys?  Also, what would be a good
> > > > > > way to scale this out, if I wanted to be able to map unordered
> > > > > > n-element collections of Rounds to obtain a Room?
> > > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > > Greg

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