Hi all,

I'm ashamed to ask this but I can't figure it out. Lately my brain gets
more burned out by the minute. Basically I'm trying to have a shirt have
up to 2 colors. I currently have this working. When I edit a shirt, I
can select the primary and secondary color of a shirt. But when I want
to see the colors in the show page I can't manage to see the name only
the id.

For example:

  <b>Primary Color:</b>
  <%=h @shirt.color_id %><br />

  <b>Secondary Color:</b>
  <%=h @shirt.color2_id %><br />

Only displays the id (obviously) but what I want to see is the NAME OF
THE COLOR. I just can't think of a way to do this for some reason. Maybe
there is a better way to do this and you guys can shed a light?

Below is the database structure and model relationship code...

APPROVED_COLORS (table name/structure in db)
:id (int)
:name (string)

SHIRTS (table name/structure in db)
:color_id (int)
:color2_id (int)

belongs_to :shirt

has_many :approved_colors

Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

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