Craig Demyanovich wrote:
> Using the :foreign_key option isn't incorrect. It's there if you need to
> circumvent the Rails defaults for any reason. If you didn't want to use 
> the
> :foreign_key option, you could use a migration to rename the color_id 
> and
> color2_id columns in your shirts table to primary_color_id and
> secondary_color_id, respectively. Then, you could just declare your
> associations like this:
> class Shirt < ActiveRecord::Base
>   belongs_to :primary_color, :class_name => "ApprovedColor"
>   belongs_to :secondary_color, :class_name => "ApprovedColor"
> end
> Regards,
> Craig

Good lord you're good. :-)

I really need to stop hacking and start learning more (even though I 
have learned a lot). Many thanks again for your help. I ended up going 
the foreign_key-less way.

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