Bill Sim wrote:

> This sounds ridiculous to me, but if I'm missing something, I would love
> to hear some opinions.  Is there an issue with support for Ruby+Postgres?

We use Postgres as the backend for everything we run, the sole exception 
is our webfax front end which I do not have time to figure out how to 
make work with Postgres.  One day perhaps.

The main thing to be aware of with contractors is that the dominant 
thinking about DBMS, insofar as web-app developers go, is that it is a 
conveniently formatted bit-bucket.  This is very far from the truth but 
it is the current paradigm.

ActiveRecord is but a case in point. ORMs frequently make it very 
difficult to exploit Postgres's capabilities to any great extent.  There 
are plugins to accomplish a few additional things with Postgres through 
AR, but most of the features of a full-fledge RDBMS are all but 
inaccessible without a lot of SQL strings built into your application.

If your requirements are at all sophisticated in terms of transaction 
volume and complexity then you may be better off looking for people who 
have worked with the sequel gem and who know Postgres inside out.

Developers with deep knowledge of the DBMS and its inherent capabilities 
-- like triggers, functions and stored procedures -- will provide you 
with far better results than peole who just know web-apps and the 
minimum necessary to get data in and out of the store.
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