On 20 Apr 2009, at 19:31, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:

> Frederick Cheung wrote:
>>> Unless the specs for how to write a session store have changed in  
>>> 2.3,
>>> it may be my code doesn't need to be different for 2.3. But if it  
>>> does,
>>> I can deal with that too.
>> They did - had to rewrite a lot of that bit of my session store for
>> 2.3
> Thanks Fred. It actually looks like this would be fairly  
> straightforward
> in 2.3. This blog post provides some hints:
> http://devblog.michaelgalero.com/2009/02/03/guide-to-rails-metal/
> But my app is not yet working with 2.3 in general, and I'd like it to
> work with both. And in pre-2.3, it seems, from looking at the Rails
> source, that it would be REALLY tricky to do this.
2.2 is a bit easier actually -

Struct.new('FakeSession', :session_id)
fake_cgi_session = Struct::FakeSession.new('some session id')

session = WhateverSessionStoreClass.new(fake_cgi_session)


> So now I'm thinking of another option. One would be storing this
> information in my own database models, keyed by Rails SessionID.  But
> once I've done that, I've kind of duplicated the ActiveRecordStore. So
> another option would be writing my code to assume that the session  
> store
> is an ActiveRecordStore -- if you make this assumption, instead of
> trying to write store-agnostic code, then accessing the info in  
> pre-2.3
> looks to be more do-able.  And I could write code that works with  
> either
> pre 2.3 or 2.3.

If you assume ActiveRecord store it's pretty easy. find the row with  
the right session id, data is right there.


> Not sure what I'm going to do really. I need something keyed on
> sessionID that is accessible outside a Rails request, as well as  
> inside
> a Rails request.
> If anyone else has ideas, feel free to share.
> Jonathan
> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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