InventoryTrackers wrote:
> Gregory Brown and Ruport ( and now Prawn ) are very cool. Be patient
> and examine their landscape and you'll find a complete solution.

I've never used Ruport, but it looks promising.  I love Prawn and do use 
it pretty actively.  (It still seems a little underpowered for advanced 
layout, but I know that Greg et al. seem to be developing it very 

> The weird thing about the Ruby on Rails landscape is that most
> developers are working on websites where printing is only a print.css
> approach. 

What's weird about that?  Rails is a Web framework, so it seems to me 
that this is exactly what you'd expect.

Actually, print CSS can be an excellent solution.  For one thing, it 
means the print layout is written in the same language as the Web 
layout.  And using Prince and the Princely plugin, you can generate a 
PDF file from the HTML output.  The only downside is that Prince is 
*expensive*, and a comparable free tool doesn't seem to exist.

> For those few building business model applications you must
> part from the pack.

What do you mean by "business model applications"?

> David

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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