This is the first time I have used remote_function and I'm unclear on
why my code is not working as I would expect.

I am trying to have my select box load the specified action and pass a
few params to it when an item is selected.

Here's an outtake of the code I have:

<% form_for(@order) do |f| %>
  <%= select(:state, :state, [['Alabama', 'AL'], ... ['Wyoming',
'WY']], {},
  html_options = {:onchange => remote_function(:url => {:action =>
"new", :id => 74}, :with => "'state_test='+this.value", :method
=> :get)} ) %>
<% end %>

I want it to call OrdersController#show, and according to my dev log
it actually is, and it's passing all the desired params as well.
Here's a log entry:

Processing OrdersController#show (for at 2009-05-03
20:11:13) [GET]
  Session ID: a612ff378ef73097a30185e62e9ab64b
  Parameters: {"state_test"=>"NY", "action"=>"show",
"id"=>"74", "controller"=>"orders"}
  Order Columns (47.0ms)   SHOW FIELDS FROM `orders`
  Order Load (81.0ms)   SELECT * FROM `orders` WHERE (`orders`.`id` =
Rendering template within layouts/orders
Rendering orders/show
Completed in 141ms (View: 7, DB: 129) | 200 OK [http://localhost/

According to the log this thing should be working I'd think. But no
matter what action I target the view never refreshes or is changed.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks, Elliott

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