Thanks 7Stud!

That worked, nice and simple.


On May 4, 7:43 am, 7stud -- <> wrote:
> Elliott Golden wrote:
> > Since I am not rendering an rjs template what would this be? I just
> > want the show.html.erb template to draw out in its entirety.
> > Thanks
> <%= select(:state, :state, [['Alabama', 'AL'], ... ['Wyoming',
> 'WY']], {},
>   html_options = {:onchange => remote_function(:url => {:action =>
> "new", :id => 74}, :with => "'state_test='+this.value", :method
> => :get)} )
> %>
> This is the first time I've seen the remote_function method but this is
> what I think is happening.  Your code creates an html <select> tag.  The
> html_options variable is used to write attributes into the <select> tag,
> e.g.
> <select id="hello" class="cool_css" onchange="javascript function call">
> So your code adds an onchange attribute to the <select> tag, which calls
> a javascript function.  You've also given the particulars for the
> javascript function to construct a request to send to the server when
> the javascript function gets called.  Then the server will send the
> results back to the javascript function.   So you need to tell the
> javascript function where you want the results to be inserted on the
> page.  Javascript doesn't automatically do anything with the results.
> That is what the :update parameter for remote_function does--it tells
> the javascript function what to do with the results, i.e. insert the
> results in the specified tag.
> > I just want the show.html.erb template to draw out in its entirety.
> So you want to replace the whole page?  What if you specified the id of
> the <body> tag?  If all the layout stuff gets added to the template, I
> don't think that will work--you'd end up with another DOCTYPE tag, etc.
> inside the <body> tag making your html a mess.
> In addition, when you need to replace the whole page, you don't use
> javascript to make an ajax request to the server.  It sounds like you
> need something like the following inside your <select> tag:
> <select onchange="window.location.href = '/show?id=74&state_test=' +
> this.value ">
> I'm a beginner, so I don't know if rails can do that for you.  You might
> have to write that by hand doing something like this:
> <%= select(:state, :state, [['Alabama', 'AL'], ... ['Wyoming',
> 'WY']], {},
> html_options =
> {
> :onchange => "window.location.href = '/show?id=74&state_test=' +
> this.value "
> }
> %>
> --
> Posted via
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