I cannot find a complete example of this on the web.

Here's what I'm trying to do:  In a view I have a remote_function call
that right now looks like this:

<% @artists.each do |artist| %>
  <li class="link" onclick="<%= remote_function(:update => "album_box",
:url => { :action => :list_albums }, :with => "id=#{artist.id}") %>">

and in the corresponding controller:

def list_albums
         @albu...@albums.sort { |a,b| a.title <=> b.title }

Either or both of these is wrong, since in the end I get a "Can't find
an album without id".  There is a complicating issue, too, since if I
change the parameter name, I get "undefined local variable".

Anyone got a quick example of the syntax for what *must* be a very
common and simple task???
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