Mike Rose wrote:
> First off, have you 'thrown' the params hash that you get in the
> controller?
> You can paste it back here if this did not help you solve your
> problem.
> -Mike

Where, like "out the window"? ;)  I do not understand what you mean by 

Here's something (else) strange (to me):  I am trying to work this out 
now with link_remote, since that's simpler until I get the nitty gritty.

<li><%=link_to artist.name, :action => "list_albums", :find_id => 
artist.id %></li>

I notice that WEBbrick output sez:

Parameters: {"artist_id"=>"65"}

Shouldn't this be passed as "find_id"????  I guess I could have this 
backward, will test.  Maybe I'll also try to log output to a file in the 
controller, if rails will allow me to debug that way...

Anyway, really the best thing for me would be an example paralleling the 
OP request.
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