Well, to be honest your first post looks correct by inspection. If you
are just posting the id though you do not necessarily need to
use :with. You can group all the items you want within the :url block.

Also, by saying 'throw', I mean that in your action in the controller
have 'throw params' as the first line and then when you try to access
that action it will output, to the screen, a trace that shows you what
parameters are coming across from the view. Very helpful. You can keep
throwing until you get the correct params coming across and then focus
on fixing or writing your action code.

On May 23, 12:28 pm, Mk 27 <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net> wrote:
> Mike Rose wrote:
> > First off, have you 'thrown' the params hash that you get in the
> > controller?
> > You can paste it back here if this did not help you solve your
> > problem.
> > -Mike
> Where, like "out the window"? ;)  I do not understand what you mean by
> thrown.
> Here's something (else) strange (to me):  I am trying to work this out
> now with link_remote, since that's simpler until I get the nitty gritty.
> <li><%=link_to artist.name, :action => "list_albums", :find_id =>
> artist.id %></li>
> I notice that WEBbrick output sez:
> Parameters: {"artist_id"=>"65"}
> Shouldn't this be passed as "find_id"????  I guess I could have this
> backward, will test.  Maybe I'll also try to log output to a file in the
> controller, if rails will allow me to debug that way...
> Anyway, really the best thing for me would be an example paralleling the
> OP request.
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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