Phlip wrote:
> Railsters:
> I heard a rumor that the incorrect answer, "Controller", was in 
> circulation out
> there.

Where did you hear this rumor? At least within the Rails circles I'm 
aware of thin controllers and fat models are the mantra.

> The C should be as thin as possible, like a telephone patch-board. The 
> View
> should be thick, but only with Viewey things.
> The Model should be as fat as possible. Anything a user can do to the 
> biz rules,
> thru the View, unit test can do to the Model directly.

In the context of Rails' MVC this is what's generally promoted. However, 
Rails is not the only application of MVC out there and it certainly 
wasn't invented along with Rails.

For example: I also work with the Mac OS X Cocoa framework, which is 
also very much MVC based. However, it's very common to have fat 
controllers. This is not a problem, and is highly promoted. The reason 
for this is that controllers in Cocoa serve a somewhat different role in 
the design of Cocoa based desktop applications. They are often used as 
delegates for windows, views, persistency related objects, etc. They are 
often used for handing notifications that are broadcast between objects, 
and there are many other uses for them. There's nothing wrong with this 
and it doesn't "break" MVC or anything else. It's just a different 
approach that makes sense in it's own right.

> So the question is: Where did this disinformation come from? Do any 
> websites (or
>  >cough< books) out there actually say the biz rules belong in the 
> controller?

I can't answer that, because I've not heard these rumors you speak of.
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