p_W wrote:
> I didn't read it as an insult...according to the dictionary:
>     'perversions: a perverted form of something'
>     'perverted: turned from what is right; misguided; distorted.'
> Then every MVC implementation that differs from the original is indeed
> 'distorted' and therefore 'perverted'

"Perversion" is an extremely derogatory term.  That connotation may not 
be expressed by your dictionary, but I assure you, "perverse" is a very 
nasty way of referring to something, and implies strong disapproval. 
The most common use of the word is probably in relation to sex crimes. 
It's just not a nice thing to say.  That doesn't mean Ron hasn't got the 
right to say it, especially if it accurately expresses his opinion; 
however, it's not something that ordinarily comes up in civil discourse.

> Do we really need to try and interpret everything as flamebait?

Do we really need to turn every intellectual debate into a struggle for 
personal superiority?  It's silly.  If I told my coworkers their 
opinions were "perverse," I wouldn't have coworkers anymore.

> On May 28, 11:29 am, Jeff Schwab <j...@schwabcenter.com> wrote:
>> Rick DeNatale wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Jeff Schwab <j...@schwabcenter.com> wrote:
>>>> Phlip wrote:
>>>>> Railsters:
>>>>> I heard a rumor that the incorrect answer, "Controller", was in 
>>>>> circulation out
>>>>> there.
>>>> That's how I was taught MVC, long before I'd heard of Ruby:  Models do
>>>> some basic checking, but business logic belongs in the controller.  That
>>>> was the point of the controller; it gave a central place to put business
>>>> logic.
>>> Well that's not the original intention of Trygve Reenskaug when he
>>> conceived of MVC:
>>>  http://heim.ifi.uio.no/~trygver/1979/mvc-2/1979-12-MVC.pdf
>> Thanks, I'll read that as soon as I have a chance.
>>> Trygve's original goal was separating UI logic from domain logic (what
>>> we commonly cause Business logic).  The Model holds the domain
>>> information and methods for processing it.
>>> The View is concerned only with presenting the view to the user, a
>>> model might have multiple views presenting different subsets and/or
>>> projections of the model.
>>> The Controller deals with communicating with the user, it processes
>>> user input, and decides which views should be rendered and where.
>> That's different from any form of MVC I've ever heard of, including
>> Rails.  Ordinarily, the views define the UI, and the Controller exists
>> strictly behind the scenes, as implementation details.
>>> So the Rails notion of MVC seems very similar to this 1979 version.
>>> Controllers process user input and decide which view to render, Views
>>> do the rendering, and Models do the heavy application lifting.
>> That's not how Rails works.  You're mostly right about the Models, but
>> the controllers are, as Phlip suggested, just "patch boards," not for
>> user input.  Sometimes a savvy user can send HTTP requests to a Rails
>> application without going through any view, but that's not the intent.
>> One piece of "heavy lifting" still done by the controllers is access
>> control; Models know how to answer questions, and don't intrinsically
>> care who's asking.  It's up to the Controllers to determine who gets to
>> see what.
>>> Subsequent variations of MVC, particularly those which piled
>>> application logic into the controller are perversions of the original
>>> idea.
>> "Perversions."  You know, there are ways of making a point that don't
>> involve blanket insults of everyone who disagrees with you.
>>> Note also that Reenskaug talks about Editors which are objects which
>>> are associated with a view and are temporarily interposed between a
>>> controller and a view.  I think if you squint just a little bit you
>>> can see the seeds of what Rails developers now refer to as a
>>> Presenter.
>> I'll have to look up Presenter.

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