Have you tried to use JRuby?

I'm sure you're not going to have any of these problems on Windows.

Maurício Linhares
http://alinhavado.wordpress.com/ (pt-br) | http://blog.codevader.com/ (en)

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 9:21 AM, J. D. <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net> wrote:
> Okay, I'm starting to get a headache (mostly because I refuse to give
> up) and continue to try to get ruby and ruby on rails configured.
> Let me explain my issues...
> I'm running Windows Vista with Ruby 1.9.1 and MySql 5.0.x
> It took me awhile to get this setup to work but I managed to do it.  In
> order to get Ruby 1.9.1 to work I had to use a ming compiled version.
> In order to get mysql to work, I had to build the binary locally.
> The good news is I can create a new rails project, start it, and the
> "about your rails environment" shows the following:
> Ruby version 1.9.1 (i386-mingw32)
> RubyGems version 1.3.3
> Rack version 1.0 bundled
> Rails version 2.3.2
> Active Record version 2.3.2
> Action Pack version 2.3.2
> Active Resource version 2.3.2
> Action Mailer version 2.3.2
> Active Support version 2.3.2
> Application root D:/ncaastatpages
> Environment development
> Database adapter mysql
> Database schema version 0
> So, it sees mysql, everything is golden and throws no errors.  That's
> the good part.
> Now the headache begins.
> Issue 1:  Because of the way I had to compile mysql to work and using
> ruby -e to require it, there's no gem listed.  If I require 'mysql'
> everything works just like a gem is installed.  However if I do gem list
> it does not show up.  While this is just a trivial issue (for me), it's
> a bigger issue with some IDEs like Aptana Studio which tried to install
> a different mysql gem and screw up my entire setup.
> Issue 2:  Here are the gems I have currently (that work 100%):
> All Rails Gems (2.3.2)
> --action..etc..
> capistrano (2.5.5)
> cgi_multipart_eof_fix (2.5.0)
> gem_plugin (0.2.3)
> highline (1.5.1)
> net-scp (1.0.2)
> net-sftp (2.0.2)
> net-ssh (2.0.11)
> net-ssh-gateway (1.0.1)
> rails (2.3.2)
> rake (0.8.7)
> rspec (1.2.6)
> rubygems-update (1.3.3)
> test-unit (2.0.2)
> Notice that mysql does not show up under the list but it's there because
> I used:
> ruby -e 'require "mysql"'
> With IDEs like Aptana Studio, they want to install mongrel, linefeed,
> etc. but they keep installing the wrong versions that require
> msvcrt-ruby18.dll instead of the msvcrt-ruby191.dll.
> So, my questions are in order:
> 1.  What gems "must" I have working and operable to run a full rails
> development project?
> 2.  Is there a way to tell Aptana Studio to not mess up my current rails
> installation by attempting to install gems that are outdated or the
> wrong kind?
> 3.  Is there another IDE I should consider? (I tried Jedit but it felt
> clunky) - I previously used Scite which didn't give me any issues but
> again, it lacked a lot of features that I might need.
> 4.  What am I missing here?
> My frustrations with Ruby and RoR isn't the programming!  It's the
> installation!  The programming, MVC concepts are wonderful!  I've never
> experienced (working with any programming language) where the
> installation would be a 9 out of a 10 difficulty rating and the
> programming would be a 2 out of 10 difficulty rating for ease of use.
> I run a windows box and a virtual box with linux but I refuse to give up
> on the windows end.  I want to be able to program with both systems.
> I'm not afraid to test the waters and go through hoops and hurdles to
> get them both working 100%.  My issues are that the hoops seem to be
> surrounded by fire where windows is concerned.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

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