This is cool. No repackaging -- and if I am correct, when running in
glassfish (on Windows systems, jruby -S glassfish ) I am running in a
true J2EE application server every bit as powerful as, say JBoss?

On Jun 4, 8:57 pm, Maurício Linhares <>
> Have you tried the Glassfish gem before writing so much nonsense?
> You could at least read what people are saying before answering.
> -
> Maurício Linhares 
> |
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:29 PM, JannaB <> wrote:
> > Vivek,
> > Have you tried this on a system with Sun Application Server on it? I
> > get:
> > G:\jruby\rails_apps\myapp>glassfish
> > G:\jruby\rails_apps\myapp>asadmin start-domain domain1.
> > Starting Domain domain1., please wait.
> > Log redirected to G:\Sun\SDK\domains\domain1.\logs\server.log.
> > Redirecting output to G:/Sun/SDK/domains/domain1/logs/server.log
> > Domain domain1. is ready to receive client requests. Additional
> > services are bei
> > ng started in background.
> > Domain [domain1.] is running [Sun Java System Application Server
> > 9.1_02 (build b
> > 04-fcs)] with its configuration and logs at: [G:\Sun\SDK\domains].
> > Admin Console is available at [http://localhost:4848].
> > Use the same port [4848] for "asadmin" commands.
> > User web applications are available at these URLs:
> > [http://localhost:8080https://localhost:8181].
> > Following web-contexts are available:
> > [/web1  /__wstx-services ggripv2 ].
> > Standard JMX Clients (like JConsole) can connect to JMXServiceURL:
> > [service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://XP1:8686/jmxrmi] for domain management
> > purposes.
> > Domain listens on at least following ports for connections:
> > [8080 8181 4848 3700 3820 3920 8686 ].
> > Domain does not support application server clusters and other
> > standalone instanc
> > es.
> > G:\jruby\rails_apps\myapp>
> > On Jun 4, 7:48 pm, Vivek Pandey <> wrote:
> >> Why do you need to go WAR route?
> >> Give glassfish gem a try:
> >> Assuming you have JDK6 and JRuby installed
> >> Install:
> >> $ jruby -S gem install glassfish
> >> To run:
> >> $ cd your-app
> >> $ glassfish
> >> There is no warring here. The gem is about 3.4 MB in size and directly run
> >> Rails or Rack based frameworks (Merb, Sinatra, Ramaze) by hooking up HTTP
> >> (grizzly framework) with the framework of your choice.
> >> -vivek
> >> On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 4:41 PM, JannaB <> wrote:
> >> > It's ALL NONSENSE. I do NOT want to "war" things up. Been there --
> >> > done that, left it behind. Things should be able to run out of a
> >> > filesystem, without modification, without all kinds of steps.
> >> > Otherwise, we're going backwards, Jruby notwithstanding. -Janna
> >> > On Jun 4, 7:05 pm, Conrad Taylor <> wrote:
> >> > > 2009/6/4 Maurício Linhares <>
> >> > > > Who said you need warbler or a war file? Have you searched for the
> >> > > > glassfish gem or jetty-rails?
> >> > > > You'll be amazed how it's easier than dabbling in Apache config,
> >> > > > specially on Windows.
> >> > > > -
> >> > > > Maurício Linhares
> >> > > ><>|
> >> > <>
> >> > > > On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 7:13 PM, JannaB <>
> >> > wrote:
> >> > > > > No way -- have you tried to make a war file with warbler? I am an 
> >> > > > > ex
> >> > > > > Java programmer -- and the JRuby java-style of deployment defeats 
> >> > > > > the
> >> > > > > purpose of why we all went to Ruby!
> >> > > This was what I was able to find in regards to JRuby using Glassfish:
> >> > >
> >> > > In short, it seems to be a very slow process when it comes time to
> >> > > generate your first Rails application because it needs to import
> >> > > the required gems into the war file.  However, it seems that it gets
> >> > > a little faster after future deployments but the war file creation
> >> > > appears to slow and/or he was working on a very slow machine.
> >> > > In contrast, Charles Nutter gave a great talk at Railsconf 2009 and
> >> > > he really showed the speed of JRuby.  Also, he did a demo on the
> >> > > threading capabilities of JRuby showing true parallel threads whereas
> >> > > Ruby 1.8.6 (MRI) and Ruby 1.9.1 (YARV) do not have this feature at
> >> > > this time because of the global interpreter lock (GCL).
> >> > > -Conrad
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