On Jun 8, 5:11 am, "J. D." <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net> wrote:
> Hi Fred,
> I think I will use this for my find parameter:
> start_date = Time.now.beginning_of_week
>     end_date = Time.now.end_of_week
>     @rushing_offenses = RushingOffense.find(:all, :conditions =>
> ['created_at > ? and created_at < ?', start_date, end_date])
> That will let me find anything created within the set week.  Now I just
> have to figure out how to check whether or not it returns nil and create
> data..

It will never return nil. It will return an array (possibly an empty
one). You might want to set your own timestamp and use that rather
than relying on created at (so that the date is one that is
significant to your data and not just when you happened to run your

> --
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