Hi Fred,

Yeah I'm stuck with this one.  I've checked the documentation but I'm 
just not following it.

What I basically need it to do is to update the table with the data 
that's parsed into @rows.

In this case @rows is listed by:

offensive_rushing.rows[i][1] (:name)
offensive_rushing.rows[i][2] (:games)

I was trying to do a for loop to go through all of the rows and send the 
new data to the database.  I'm just not sure how to do it properly.  I 
catch on quick but I've been searching the web and reading the 
documentation and I just don't see a very detailed model for what I'm 
trying to do.

So, in a readability format what I see is:

for i in 0..offensive_rushing.numrows-1
--> starting my loop and it's going to repeat approx 120 times (120 
puts "Updating Team Name = #{offensive_rushing.rows[i][1]}."
--> Print me out an update to show me that you are updating the teams
RushingOffense.update_all(:name => offensive_rushing.rows[i][1],
        :games => offensive_rushing.rows[i][2])
--> Update the :name with the name of the team
--> Update the :games with the number of games that team has played
--> Update it if the team already exists (not sure how to do this part)
--> Add new data if the team doesn't exist (don't know how to do this 

I hope that helps..

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