First off, a quick note on $KCODE - the values it takes are a little
weird. 'utf8' is not valid; you're looking for one of these:

None (n or N)
EUC (e or E)
Shift_JIS (s or S)
UTF-8 (u or U)

(taken from

You can also pass an :encoding option (same choice of values) to
I'd also make sure that the file is really UTF8, as many CSVs produced
by Excel will instead be in ISO8859-1 (technically, an incompatible MS
variant of that standard [CP1252]). You may have to crunch the data
somewhat to get it to behave, as the MS Office products are also
notorious for stuffing "smart quotes" and other non-standard
characters into files...

--Matt Jones

On Jun 17, 6:51 pm, Hu Ma <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to import some csv data (that has latin characters) using
> faster csv but I keep getting a MalformedCSVError:
> "Unclosed quoted field on line 1."
> "/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fastercsv-1.2.3/lib/faster_csv.rb:1592:in
> `shift'"
> I've tested the same code outside of the Rails application an it works
> fine.
> Can anyone help me?
> Here is the code:
> csv_options  = {
>   :headers => false,
>   :return_headers => false,
>   :skip_blanks => false
> }
> csv_file_name = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../Files.TXT"
> data = ""
> FasterCSV.foreach(csv_file_name, csv_options) do |row|
>   data << row.to_s + "<br>"
> end
> And the first two lines in the file:
> "20.1","Maria José",,"9"
> "10.2","José Maria",,"10"
> I'm using fastercsv 1.2.3 and rails 2.1.2
> Note: I've tried adding $KCODE = "utf8" but it still does not work.
> Thanks.
> Best regards,
> Migrate
> --
> Posted via
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