First, try not to worry so much about how the tables are set up, you
can create a view to the data to suit your needs. What you need to be
concerned about is how to make the information easy to use and to not
repeat yourself.

As to modeling the data - It seems that the User table would be the
central piece and he or she would have one mandate or perhaps more?
Either has_one or has_many.

It would also seem the user has a location as well as mandate. Another
one to one relationship here and again, the user may have more then
one location - has_one or has_many

Model User
Has_one: mandate
has_one: location

Model Mandate
belongs_to :user

Model Location
belongs_to :user

Then you could have a look up table for the types of mandates and

Hope this helps

On Jun 28, 12:48 pm, Adrien Coquio <> wrote:
> this solution doesn't fit with my project
> i have to explain :
> the table MANDATES contain the list of possible mandates like :
> (0,mayor,city)
> (1,deputy mayor,city)
> (2,minister,state)
> (3,king,state)
> this list use by me to make a form where the user of my program can
> select the mandate related by user
> the table ELECTED contain the relation between user and mandate like :
> (0,John Smith,mayor,Chicago)
> (1,Brad X,mayor,New York)
> (2,Adrien Y,king,Brasil)
> (3,Anton Z,minister,Great Britain)
> NB: i replace user_id,mandate_id,place_id by,
> the solution which i see to do that are :
> 1)i have explain in the first post
> 2) duplicate the field place_type in the table ELECTED (maybe it is
> the easier solution?)
> 3) group tables MANDATES and ELECTED like that :
> - id
> - name
> - place_id
> - place_type
> - user_id
> in that way i create all possible mandates with no user related to
> make the form and when i have a relation between user/mandate i create
> a copy of the mandate with the user_id
> what do you think about this solution?
> thanks
> adrien
> On Jun 28, 5:12 pm, Marnen Laibow-Koser <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-
>> wrote:
> > Adrien Nom wrote:
> > > I want to do that way because i must save the possible mandates in one
> > > table.
> > That's not a good rationale.  The place_id is part of the mandate just
> > as much as the olace_type is, so it belongs in the mandates table.
> > > Then i use an other table to save the relation between mandates
> > > and users.
> > > How can i do that with an other way ?
> > If I understand you correctly, this will be very easy with your current
> > schema, once you make the change I am proposing.
> > Basically, place_id is a property of the mandate, so it belongs in the
> > mandates table.  Since you have mandate_id in elected, you can get the
> > place_id with something like @elected.mandate.place_id.
> > > thanks for your answer
> > > adrien
> > Best,
> > --
> > Marnen Laibow-Koser
> >
> > --
> > Posted via
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