Thanks again for the quick reply.
You are right. This is not the place for this post. My apologies.
I will move to the appropriate forum.
The funny thing is that I'm running a VM of Windows 2003 on a MAC.
I'm really a PHP guy with around 2 weeks (department mandated) of Ruby 
Thanks again.

Älphä Blüë wrote:
> Hi John,
> You are on windows so you are most likely using nmake not make. 
> Secondly, you need to have a c-compiler on your system and in your path 
> in order for nmake to be used.
> But, you should take a step back for a moment.  First, this is a Ruby 
> issue and you are on a rails forum so you aren't going to get much 
> feedback here.  You should probably post something in the "ruby" forum.
> Secondly, you need to list what Ruby version you are using, what windows 
> version you are using because that does matter.  On windows, Ruby 
> versions are generally now compiled with mingw and if you are using 
> later platforms like 1.9x then you have to have the mingw compiler as 
> well which comes with the devkit.
> Ruby is not "windows" friendly.  It is far from windows friendly. 
> Unless you have the correct devkits, the correct compilers, it can 
> create many issues for you.  If you are using the 1.8.6 one-click 
> installer then you should be 'fairly safe' for the most part from much 
> of these frustrations.  However, it won't exempt you from having issues 
> with gems that won't compile correctly.
> Generally I do the following in order:
> gem install (gemname)
> .. if that fails..
> gem install (gemname) --platform=mswin32
> .. if that fails..
> gem install (gemname) --platform mswin32 --source http://gem_source_url
> You should make sure that you have your gem sources updated for 
> starters:
> gem sources -a (you only do this once)
> This is the primary source now for retrieving most gems.
> Other than that, compiling gems from binaries are difficult to explain 
> and again, it would depend on what compiler you are using, what ruby 
> version you are using, and what windows platform you are using.
> If you are using Ruby 1.9 you can check most gems from 
> and validate whether or not those gems are working 
> for 1.9.  If you are using 1.8 a lot of the gem frustrations can simply 
> be due to the fact that a lot of authors could care less about making 
> their gems usable for windows.  There's a lot of discussions about gem 
> building and many authors never follow the same exact standards.
> Let me know if I can help you further with this issue.

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