Andrew Pace wrote:
> (SQL is below, but I try to explain here for clarity)  For example,
> let's say I want a user's table in the database.  I will usually
> create it with only necessary information.  Name, username, password,
> timestamps, etc.  

What do you mean by "only necessary information"?  If information is 
unnecessary, you shouldn't be storing it.  If it is necessary, you 
should bother to design a proper DB schema.  This is true regardless of 
whether you're using PHP, Ruby, Python, Perl, BASIC, or Lolcode for your 
application. :)

> Then I set up a "users_profiles" table that is
> essentially a table with only three columns (1. A reference to the
> user_id, 2. A 'key' column (varchar), and 3. A 'value' column
> (text).).

So the key column is a type descriptor for the value column, so that you 
might have

user_id | key.  | value
1       | email    |
1       | phone    | (555) 123-4567
1       | birthday | 4 Jul 1976
2       | birthday | 02/12/1982


If so, then let me tell you that in most cases, this is a bad habit in 
any language context.  It basically defeats the purpose of having a 
structured database by munging all the data into a single text column. 
This makes queries harder.  For example, how would you search for all 
users with birthdays greater than a certain date?  Heck, how do you 
store data in a consistent way (was user 2 born on 2 Dec or 12 Feb)?

There are situations where extremely flexible databases like CouchDB 
without a consistent record schema may be beneficial.  But storing user 
information is probably not one of them.

> Does anyone know if this would be considered a poor way
> of managing data in the "rails way".  

This would be considered a poor way of managing data, period, because it 
doesn't manage the data -- it just stores it in a messy way that makes 
querying difficult.

(If you *must* do something like this in Rails, consider serialize.  But 
avoid it if at all possible)

> It seems to me that it would
> function similarly, in that it would save a lot of updates with the db-
> migrations.

There's no advantage to saving migrations just for the sake of saving 
migrations.  The structure of the DB should, as far as possible, reflect 
the structure of the data, not a half-assed design that a lazy 
programmer came up with because he didn't want to bother figuring out 
what he needed to store.

> Thank you in advance for your help!
> Andrew Pace

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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