On Jul 31, 1:43 pm, Andrew Pace <andrewpp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Also consider the demands of a very very rapidly changing field, like
> medical informatics.  In this area, many prefer the flexibility of a
> key/value system because adding columns constantly would be a
> nightmare.  

First of all, in a typical application, user profiles contain a well-
defined set of data, unlike the case you are describing, and so it
should be possible to design a real schema for the data without too
much trouble.

Second, part of the point of Rails' system of migrations is to make
database changes *not* a nightmare.

> Think off adding columns for every new lab test, imaging
> type, procedure, etc.  

If you're doing that, then you're doing something wrong.  This is
where a bunch of linked tables come in handy, as well as (perhaps)
some limited use of the key-value pattern, or perhaps some serialized
arrays to represent complex results.  But this is a solution of last
resort when the data does not lend itself to a less amorphous schema.

> This is where a system like this is extremely
> helpful.

Perhaps.  But this is not your use case as you've described it, so
your bringing it up is a red herring.

> Another addition that can sometimes be helpful is to add an additional
> column that holds a "datatype" that represents a traditional database
> constraint.  

And at that point, you might just as well build a proper database
schema.  Outside of a couple of special cases, there's so much wrong
with this idea that I don't even know where to start.

This allows for easy programmatic testing against this
> datatype before the data enters the database.  Obviously this requires
> some programming work up-front, but this can be exceedingly useful
> once it is built.  Again, flexibility is the key here.
> Some links:
> http://ycmi.med.yale.edu/nadkarni/eav_CR_contents.htm
> http://www.cdc.gov/nedss/DataModels/index.html
> http://www.research.ibm.com/journal/sj/461/eggebraaten.html

These basically seem to talk about reinventing database features
within tables -- even to the point of storing metadata.  That way lies
abstraction inversion.  Don't reimplement what the database will
already do for you -- unless you have a very good reason to do so.  In
your use case, you don't.

> Andrew

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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