Forgot to mention...

The database growth plan is to use sharding rather than clustering.  So
any experience with software 'load-balancing' front-ends that direct to
an app instance based on subdomain rather than / in addition to
availability would be very helpful.

Thanks again,

On Fri, 2009-08-14 at 12:38 -0500, bill walton wrote:
> Greetings!
> I'd appreciate hearing from anybody who's had experience with any of
> this.  I've got a Rails app that currently deployed on EC2 with MySQL
> and am readying to move from a dev / prototype model to a full-scale
> production model. Right now I've got a single MySQL instance.  I'm
> getting ready to move that to a master-slave setup.  I'm also planning
> to use EBS volumes for the MySQL storage with snapshots saved to S3 for
> backup.  Would love to hear from anybody who's done any of this
> before.  
> Also, I've been reading the stuff from Rightscale and they really seem
> to know what they're doing.  Anybody got any experience using their
> services?
> Thanks,
> Bill

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