Do you have something like ImageMagick installed? I don't use and
haven't used windows for a while but here is an article that might
help you out...

On Aug 17, 4:21 pm, Mane Maniga <>
> Lee Smith wrote:
> > Since you're new to RoR, why not use a plugin like Paperclip?  It does
> > exactly what you're trying to do and much more...should save you a lot
> > of time.
> >
> >
> Thanks for your answer.
> Ok now I have a problem with paperclip. Is it possible that it doesn't
> work under windows vista? I installed the plugin and tried the example
> from the paperclip page. There are entries in the db but with null
> values in the image related columns and the pictures are not in the
> puplic directory.
> I'm getting crazy!
> Here is what I've done:
> challenge.rb
> class Challenge < ActiveRecord::Base
>   belongs_to :user
>   has_attached_file :thumbnail, :styles => {:thumb => '100x100>'}
> end
> new.html.erb
> <h1>Post new Challenge</h1>
>     <%form_tag :action => 'create', :multipart => true do %>
>       <p>Challenge Title: </p>
>       <%= text_field 'challenge', 'title'%> <br/>
>       <p>Description: </p>
>       <%= text_field 'challenge', 'description'%><br/>
>       <p>Challenge Thumbnail: </p>
>       <%= file_field 'challenge', :thumbnail%>
>       <%= submit_tag 'Create' %>
>     <%end%>
> challenges_controller.rb
>  def create
>     @challenge = Challenge.create params[:challenge]
>     if !...@challenge.valid?
>[:error] = 'Bitte füllen sie alle Felder aus!'
>       render :action => :new
>    else if !
>[:error] = 'Es trat ein Fehler beim speichern auf!'
>         render :action => :new
>       else
>         redirect_to :action => 'list'
>       end
>     end
>   end
> --
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