On 18 Aug 2009, at 11:52, Mane Maniga wrote:

> I have one other question about Paperclip. Where are the pictures  
> saved
> by default? (Windows machine)

 From the docs:

  # * +url+: The full URL of where the attachment is publically  
accessible. This can just
     #   as easily point to a directory served directly through Apache  
as it can to an action
     #   that can control permissions. You can specify the full domain  
and path, but usually
     #   just an absolute path is sufficient. The leading slash *must*  
be included manually for
     #   absolute paths. The default value is
     #   "/system/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename". See
     #   Paperclip::Attachment#interpolate for more information on  
variable interpolaton.
     #     :url => "/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:filename"
     #     :url => "http://some.other.host/stuff/:class/:id_:extension";
     # * +default_url+: The URL that will be returned if there is no  
attachment assigned.
     #   This field is interpolated just as the url is. The default  
value is
     #   "/:attachment/:style/missing.png"
     #     has_attached_file :avatar, :default_url => "/images/ 
     #     User.new.avatar_url(:small) # => "/images/ 
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