Adam Akhtar wrote:
> Marnen many thanks again for your help.

You're welcome.

> So if i sort them by their name then id, and I have A and B with ids 1 
> and 2 respectively then in my pairing controller id do
> @pairing =[:pairing])
> (Which would use the callback before_create above)
> So A has an Ingredient_Partner B
> i.e. A.alphabet_partners ===> B

That's right.

> But would it work the other way i.e.
> B.alphabet_partners ==> A ?????
> i thought it wouldnt without creating a 2nd pairing with the letters 
> switched.

Look at the code I gave you, and think about how it would behave. 
Better yet, write some tests and try it!  Ask the computer, not me. :)

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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