maybe you have a javascript or stylesheet that is calling the htc
file(proably to fix the transparency issue on ie6)


On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Shanmu Gam <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Can some one help me in this issue. My application consists only png
> images where it takes normal time to get loaded in all browsers except
> IE.
> In IE i can see nearly 950 requests where other browsers show only
> around 65 requests. Here i have attached the screen shot which i took
> using httpwatch in IE.
> Here i noticed around 900 requests which is sent to this path
> "http://localhost:3000/htc/";. I googled regarding this issue but
> i didnt find any best solution.
> In google many have posted that "png images not getting uploaded in IE".
> For me png images are getting loaded, i can see those png images but it
> is taking long time to get loaded.
> Thanks in advance,
> shanmu
> Attachments:
> --
> Posted via
> >

def dagi3d(me)
 case me
   when :web then  "";
   when :twitter then "";

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