If you dont want duplicate data then just add the following to the
model.  Thats where validation should be.

validates_uniqueness_of :email_address

On Aug 27, 8:43 am, "Matt W." <m...@squid37.com> wrote:
> I have a similar problem that I'm working on, but I was going to take
> a slightly different approach.
> My problem is that I'm collecting completely anonymous data at first,
> but then I want people to be able to come in later and create an
> account, then hopefully be able to find their records. I'm not sure
> if this scenario is even realistic, but here is where I am at in my
> thinking so far…
> The user enters the initial data and their IP address is stored along
> with it (could this be my main downfall? I need to do more research on
> how these work and if they are truly unique for each user). When they
> come back (hopefully on the same computer!) and either try to enter
> the data again or go straight to making an account, I want to find a
> matching IP and validate that they are a returning user from the Model…
> then basically ask them if they've been here before, if so yada yada
> yada…
> This is still turning around in my brain and I have yet to do any
> research on it…but if anyone see's any flaws in this method, feel free
> to let me know.
> Jim - it seems that if you can do your validation in the Model that
> would be better practice, but I'm not sure if that suits your needs.
> On Aug 27, 2:29 am, Jim Burgess <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>
> wrote:
> > Thanks for all of the answers.
> > I solved it a little differently and will explain how in case
> > a) it helps anybody else
> > b) there is a flaw in my method which I have overlooked
> > What I did was in the controller:
> > Create a model object: @applicant = Applicant.new(params[:applicant])
> > Wait for a post request.
> > Look up the last email address sucessfully stored in the database.
> > Check if it is the same as the email address currently being submitted?
> > If so, it is possible that someone has pressed submit twice, or used the
> > back button in their browser. This can therefore be ignored and the user
> > redirected to the success view.
> > If the email adresses are not identical, check if @applicant can be
> > saved.
> > If it can, redirect to success, if it can't re render index view.
> > If the applicant is redirected to the success view without their data
> > being saved (i.e. if both email addresses are the same), then they also
> > receive a flash message that a double data entry was detected for their
> > email address and that the record was only saved once.
> > For this particular application it is not desired that people can apply
> > twice and in practice it rarely happens.
> > --
> > Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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