So after what i end up with is a:

// word.rb, definition.rb
  def set_status(status)
    self.status = status

// word_controller.rb
  def destroy
    @word = Word.find(params[:id], :include => :definitions)

      ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do

        @word.definitions.each do |h|

    rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid
        flash[:notice] = 'Word was not deleted'
        render :action => "new"

    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { redirect_to(words_url) }

Which seems much more appropriate.

On Sep 5, 1:07 pm, brianp <> wrote:
> Your are very right. I shouldn't actually have the controller changing
> the status at all. I should maybe have the controller call the models
> change status method when called but that is it. And because the
> method will now be in the model it wont be in the controller and I
> wont be breaking dry like I thought of before.
> I should have thought of that earlier once i realized destroy was
> doing a little more work then actually destroying.
> Thanks for the input, I knew I was looking at it from the wrong angle
> it just felt wrong.
> On Sep 5, 12:25 pm, pharrington <> wrote:
> > On Sep 5, 3:07 pm, brianp <> wrote:
> > > Hey,
> > > I was just wondering what the best practice for this situation would
> > > be. I've got two models(word, definition) both with destroy methods in
> > > the controllers that just change the model.status to "deleted". In the
> > > words controller I'd like it to call the definition_controller destroy
> > > method on definition models. And I'm just blanking on how to do this
> > > like a regular model method. Would I have to double the destory method
> > > in the model? Then I wouldn't be adhering to dry.
> > > // words_controller.rb
> > >  def destroy
> > >     begin
> > >       ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
> > >         @word = Word.find(params[:id], :include => :definitions)
> > >         @word.status = 'deleted'
> > >
> > >         @word.definitions.each do |h|
> > >           h.destroy // Actually destorys the record instead of just
> > > setting the status to "deleted"
> > >         end
> > >     end
> > >     rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid
> > >       flash[:notice] = 'Word was not deleted'
> > >       render :action => "new"
> > >     end
> > >     respond_to do |format|
> > >       format.html { redirect_to(words_url) }
> > >     end
> > >   end
> > > // definitions_controller.rb
> > >   def destroy
> > >     begin
> > >       ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
> > >         @definition = Definition.find(params[:id])
> > >         @definition.status = 'deleted'
> > >
> > >     end
> > >     rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid
> > >       flash[:notice] = 'Definition was not deleted'
> > >       render :controller => :words, :action => "new"
> > >     end
> > >     respond_to do |format|
> > >       format.html { redirect_to(words_url) }
> > >     end
> > >   end
> > > Thanks,
> > > bp
> > I'm not sure how creating a method that sets the status attribute to
> > "deleted" and saves the record would conflict with DRY principles?
> > Also, it seems that the specifics of this what-would-be "mark_deleted"
> > or maybe "set_status('deleted')" method is something the controller
> > *probably* doesn't care about; more the controller just wants your
> > model to perform a specific unit of logic.
> > Moreover, it doesn't make sense (as far as I can see) to call a
> > separate controller's actions outside the realm of the HTTP redirect
> > dance. Controllers exist to sit in between your user's request and the
> > view/content that they want rendered back, having the appropriate
> > models perform whatever actual logic is required to make this happen.
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