Thank you for the suggestion!
I do prefer Debian as a server.

On Sep 30, 3:05 am, Leonardo Mateo <> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:41 PM,kitty00<> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am trying to decide which Linux OS to use to implement rails server.
> > I don't know if Debian is better or CentOS is better. Which one is
> > easier to install, update and maintain rails server?
> I've had some problems with Debian and Ubuntu in what comes to the
> version of the rubygems package. Usually it's outdated and if you need
> too new gems versions you will have problems.
> My recommendation is alwasy Debian for a server (Even when I use Arch
> Linux on all my workstations). But I strongly suggest you to only
> install rubygems from Debian's package repository and then manage your
> gems with the "gem" command, since rubygems are distribution
> independant, you shouldn't base your installation on another package
> management that the gem itself.
> > Also, which rails application server do you recommend besides
> > passenger with apache 2?
> I think Apache + Passenger is the best choice. Easy to set up and
> maintain, besides nobody can argue apache's history on stability and
> performance.
> Hope it helps
> --
> Leonardo Mateo.
> There's no place like ~

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