Patrick Doyle wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Marnen Laibow-Koser
> <> wrote:
>> Patrick Doyle wrote:
>> True to a point. �Have you played around with anything else out there
>> (RSpec?)?
> Not yet... My applications and their associated tests have been
> trivial and mostly been used as a learning tool for myself.  I have
> seen references to RSpec, Cucumber, and several other test platforms.
> I am quite certain that they all address needs that aren't met by the
> standard unit/functional/integration tests baked into RoR.

Not necessarily.  Some of them address the same needs, just in different 

> But I figure that that, if the standard unit/functional/integration
> tests are good enough for the RoR developers, they should be good
> enough for me.

Bad assumption.  You're not the Rails core team.  Your needs may be 
different from those of the Rails core team.

> I am assuming (of course) that the RoR developers use the standard
> test templates.  If they don't, then why is that template (still)
> included in RoR?

There's a lot of crap in Rails because it hasn't been removed yet 

> It's probably included because it was standard at some point in time,
> and works well enough for small, simple projects.
> Which are all I've played with so far.  As my projects get bigger or
> more complicated, then I'll probably run into the same limitations
> that inspired the other test environments and learn from that process.

I wonder.  RSpec and Cucumber are good even for small, simple stuff. 
You're falling into the trap of assuming that the Rails core team is 

> --wpd

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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