kitty00 wrote:
Actually, I want to deploy as sub URI.

I found the following instruction on phusion passenger web. But it
still did not work.

You can deploy multiple Rails applications under a virtual host, by
specifying RailsBaseURI multiple times. For example:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    RailsBaseURI /app1
    RailsBaseURI /app2
    RailsBaseURI /app3

I followed the instruction on slice host too. It did not work either.
But by following the slice host, the other server which did not have
passenger running working fine with different hostnames.

I also found that by running passenger. my phpadmin is not working
anymore. Any ideas?


No experience with sub uri  but based on the other passenger use I am familiar with I would assume that you need to put one URI per virtual host. 


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