I've just reinstalled linux (9.10) and am trying to match my gem
environment to our server's.  I'm having a problem with will_paginate.

On the server, under gem list, i have "mislav-will_paginate (2.3.6)".
So, i'm trying to install that locally.  Following the instructions on
the will_paginate page, http://wiki.github.com/mislav/will_paginate,
i've installed it.

But, it shows up on my gem list as simply "will_paginate", and rails
complains because it's expecting mislav-will_paginate.

So, can anyone point me at where i can install mislav-will_paginate, so
that it will actually show up on my gem list as mislav-will_paginate
instead of will_paginate?

I feel like i'm being dumb and missing something obvious here...grateful
for any help.
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