The usual trick in situations like this is to use a thread-local
variable, set in the controller action and accessed from the models.
It's a somewhat leaky abstraction, but probably the most reliable way
to do things (ActiveSupport uses it for the stuff). The code
would look like (sketch):

in application_controller.rb (or elsewhere):

before_filter :set_customer_db

def set_customer_db
  Thread.current[:customer_db] = ...

I can't think of how exactly you'll end up accessing it in the models,
but the magic_multi_connections gem should provide some guidance.

--Matt Jones

On Nov 2, 8:09 am, jmamma <> wrote:
> Thanks Amar.  Sharding isn't exactly what I need here, but some
> interesting info nonetheless.
> I have a main db ( users, applications, etc ) and a database for each
> customer ( products, orders, etc )
> When I want to get all the products, for example, I need to connect
> to
> a particular customers version of products.  I can do it by using
> ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection (:connection_name) in the
> controller
> but its not perfect... also there are some plugins that use some
> activeRecord
> stuff in them and the model doesn't know which db its supposed to
> connect to
> so I have to modify all those gems and put the establish_connection in
> there too.
> I put the customer in session on user login, and then I can easily get
> which customer
> db I need, but again that doesn't work so well in the models since the
> session isn't
> easily available in the models.
> On Nov 2, 7:12 am, Amar Daxini <>
> wrote:
> > jmamma wrote:
> > > Hey everyone!  I have a problem that's been making me a little nuts.
> > > I would like to use RoR for a upcoming project, but if I can't get
> > > past this hiccup I'm
> > > afraid I'll have to use PHP or Java.  Ugh.
> > check out data_fabric 
> > gem this article
> > --
> > Posted via
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