On Nov 16, 9:46 am, "Todd A. Jacobs" <tjacobs-sndr-
b4f...@codegnome.org> wrote:
> The form displays correctly, but gives a routing error when saving. I'm
> not sure what the error is trying to tell me.

The error is telling you that you called property_path(nil) - for
whatever reason @note.property_id isn't set.

> This works fine from the console, insofar as I can call
> "@no...@property.note.new; @note.save" and have it save successfully.
> How can I do it from a view?
> Ultimately, the goal is to populate notes linked to the property_id
> without resorting to either hidden fields (insecure) or session
> variables. I thought a form was the way to go, but I'm really stuck.
> --
> "Oh, look: rocks!"
>         -- Doctor Who, "Destiny of the Daleks"
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